Tim & I recently spent 4 days at the Proactive Accountants Network’s Annual Conference in Queenstown, New Zealand. Over the week the focus was on spirituality in business and the power of remaining positive. I heard some wonderful speakers over the week highlighted by ex-Monk, Dandapani, and 5-time Olympian Natalie Cook. The importance of remaining positive and looking after your No 1 Asset – You has resonated with me.
A lot of what has been spoken about applies directly to how we all run our businesses. In business, like life, surrounding yourself with people who uplift you and inspire you can only have a positive impact.
When was the last time you really thought about what you want your ideal business and personal life to be? Have you got a plan? You need a plan. You need to take new opportunities and get out of your comfort zone. Ticking things off the to-do list, that is, your plan, is what helps to inspire and motivate you.
Working with our clients we want to be able to help them achieve these goals; this won’t occur without first knowing where you want to go. Our business planning program works specifically with this concept to assist our clients to create their plan.
Rob Nixon (PAN CEO and Founder) who is coach to Tim Hale & I, summed up positive business practices with the statement, ‘Do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, in a manner you want.’ Consider the personal pro-active power in this statement. That’s good business. Yet, over the last couple of days, I’ve wondered if our clients are truly doing: What they want; When they want to; With whom they want to; and, How they want to. Ask yourself, are you? The answer ought to be confronting. And yet, encouraging, as you too can enliven your business with greater positivity. Just ask, and we’ll help you draw up the plan.